If you listen to the media and the weather forecasters you will want to bury your head in the sand and wait till the year is over. No question that the media and the weather reports for this New Year are very negative, very scary. I say a lot of times that if I didn’t know what I know and if I didn’t have what I have (the Word of God), inside of me, I would be very scared to live in this world today.
If you are at this stage of relying in the media and the forecast reports, or any other negative report concerning this New Year, let me tell you this: God can turn around negative situations and bring to your life positive results. Yes; if you let God work in your negative situation, then you can expect Him to bring you, bring to your life, from the midst of that situation, positive results.
Right now you’re probably not giving me a lot of credit on this unless you have (like I have) experienced it before and more than once.
To help you understand this and look to your New Year beyond any human reports, first of all I want to let you know what God says in His Word concerning this New Year, for which I believe you have some plans, projects and dreams to come true.
In Jeremiah 29:11 we can see God’s expression concerning our life and His will, for the best, concerning the days ahead: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
To me, God’s positive thoughts for my life, for my New Year are so positive that there’s no room for any negative to remain. Believe it or not, to me this is more than enough. Based on God’s prediction, my New Year is already tailored for the best.
To reinforce this, I want to give you an example that will help you believe that God can really work the negative and pull out the positive.
You probably never heard this before, but I have to let you know that the negative always works in favor of the positive, so that the positive may reach… the objective.
Imagine that you’re on vacation, you’re on a cruise and you’re visiting beautiful places. You get hold of your camera and you just capture that beauty that your eyes see. You do your best to capture all you possibly can to get a great photo. After a few shots, you say to yourself… I got it! At this point you know that you have a great picture. Now pay good attention to this: You captured a great picture but you don’t have it yet, right? Why? (And this example that I’m about to give you, is based on the conventional way of photography).
When you finish taking pictures, you pull out from your camera the film and you take it to a photo shop to… to do what? To develop it, right? Now, very carefully get hold of this revelation that you’re about to receive: When you bring the film to the photo shop, you ask them to develop what? The “negative”!
That’s the official name of the film where you captured your beautiful photos. So we can say that in that negative you captured beautiful (positive) photos. Your beautiful pictures are in the negative. So now, from that negative they will get out and give you, the beautiful photos that you and others can see.
Did you get it?!
By this, how hard is it to believe that God can get out of the negative in your life, beautiful results that were around you (inside the negative) but you couldn’t do anything about it, till the moment that God shows up and starts to develop your… negative.
My point here is that, God will move in your difficulties, in your storms, in your problems, in your illness, in all your negative circumstances, if you’re willing to hand Him the negative, confident that He will develop it, bringing to you, to your hands, to your life… positive results.
Remember this, God is the creator of ALL things, and He can do anything, if you just give Him… something. So, on this New Year (starting today) don’t try to develop your negative. Remember, you’re not an expert. God is. So give God a chance.
Have a Happy, Prosperous and Blessed New Year.