We’ve just entered in the New Year, 2012. According to many biblical scholars, the number 12 signifies perfection of government, or of governmental perfection (placing things within perfect order). But I have also discovered (without going into details), that it’s also related with a “turn of events”.
The world is shifting, the human race is shifting, and the church will be shifted. 2012 is going to be a year of shifts, a year of turned events, a year of placing things… in order. You’re probably asking why, what for?
Why? ...Because God only moves when things are in order, in the right place, organized or in perfection of government.
What for? ...It has to do with preparation. Getting things in order is a sign that there is a vision to be fulfilled. We need to get things in order, settle our priorities (governmental perfection) and let God shift things around. Here’s why; without being negative (although negative is not always bad), we need to keep looking ahead because every time God shifts things around the devil comes to hijack it. The number 13 in the Bible is a number of apostasy; depravity and rebellion. But number 14 is the number of deliverance and salvation (it speaks of double completion (2 x 7) and compression).
Where I’m getting with all this is that the year 2013 is going to be a year of great challenges for the church and for every believer. Number 13 in the Bible also represents famine. So 2013 will be a year of spiritual famine. But when Isaac sowed in time of famine, he reaped one hundred fold. The year after (2014) will be a year of reaping. A year of spiritual harvest. This means that the church in 2012 that gets everything in order, settles all priorities and is positioned when God makes His shifting, His turn of events, that’s the church that will go through 2013. That’s the church that will be able to face negative challenges without compromising. That church will enter 2014 ready to reap, harvest, revive.
You’re probably saying, Paul… that’s too far-fetched, that’s only probabilities. Well… it can also be possibilities, if Jesus doesn’t tarry (and I’m just talking about a couple of years ahead).