Sunday, January 05, 2014

In 2014... Don't Let God Become Unemployed!

Many times we try to do God’s job.

If you have a problem and you get to a point that you can’t handle it, to a point that whatever efforts you apply, can’t fix it… that means that it’s a job for God.

When we struggle with problems, we can’t differentiate that we can only go so far. We think we know it all. And by knowing it all, we think… we can do it all. We forget our limitations and at the same time… God’s possibilities.

If we have a relationship with God, then we have a partnership. This means, that we do one thing and God does the other. I say many times that if we do our part (the possible), God will always do His part (the impossible). We can never do His part, but He will never do our part.

So when a problem comes, and you come to a point that you can’t handle it, you need to let God take hold of the reins, in order to get you to the solution.

Keep in mind that in many problems that we face in our lives, the impossible exists. It might be sometimes in a small percentage, but the fact that it exists, there’s nothing that you or anyone one on this earth can do. But God can! And matter of fact, He wants to do it, He wants to handle it, because that’s His job.

This is why I’ve said “stop God from being unemployed in 2014”. If we look at it in our natural way of seeing things (this is why Jesus always spoke in parables), we can look at it this way. If God has a job to do and you takeover… guess what? God loses His job.

You need to keep God at work in your life, all the time.

Now pay attention to this:

Is there a way that we can make 2014 like no other?
Yes we can. We can even create our future.
We can make things happen for the best.

Now all this may sound very farfetched or some new age theory, or a new doctrine from some neo… something. No! Not at all. I never say anything concerning the spiritual realm, without a biblical platform.

You see… in Isaiah 64:4 we read the following in the New Life Version:
“From long ago no ear has heard and no eye has seen any God besides You, Who works for those who wait for Him." 

The New Living Translation goes very similar;
“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him."

Then the Easy-to-Read Version, concerning the last part, puts it this way;
“Who does such great things for those who trust him."

Note that, many times we try to do our job and God’s job. It doesn't work! 
I did it a lot in the past and happen that I messed up everything. What could’ve been a success, ended up by being a starting point.

So through the years I have learned and I’m starting now to apply this principle in my own life. And the Lord has been faithful to His Word by making it happen in my life. If I have some kind of situation that I see that it’s going to get out of control, if I see that it will get to a point where I’ll be struggling because I will not be able to handle it, I stop.

I stop and I… WAIT! Wait on the Lord.

This is a spiritual law. I wait for Him… He works for me! 
WOW! What a God we serve.

Just meditate deeply again on what Isaiah said: “From long ago no ear has heard and no eye has seen any God besides You, Who works for those who wait for Him.”

No other god ever did this, or ever promised such blessing to his followers. But the God who created all things, the only living God, has done it!

So… again I say, “help God to keep His job in 2014" in your life. And at the same time, let Him stay busy. If you do this, if you just WAIT for Him, you keep Him at work. 

Can you grasp the idea of you being in the middle of an unsolvable problem, and in the background, God is working to fix it? Do you have an idea of the final results? Can you imagine, can you visualize it?

This is the great God that we serve.

Do you want 2014 to be a year like no other in the positive way? 
Keep God at work! 

 “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)