There are three types (well… there’s probably a couple more, but these are the top ones), three type of people that go to church:
The saved, the unsaved, and the lukewarm.
The saved is the one that recognized that he was living in sin (disobedience towards God), got convinced, repented, converted, and became a new creation in Christ Jesus.
In other words…
He repented of his sins, ask God’s forgiveness, placed his life in God’s hands and invited His Son, Jesus, to be his Lord, Savior and coming King.
The unsaved… is the one that continues living in disobedience, nothing to do with God. He’s a self-made man (or woman). He doesn’t need God.
The lukewarm, is the one that Jesus said, you can’t serve two masters, you hate one or love the other. But he thinks that he can love both.
He has one foot in the kingdom; another foot is in the world. He wants the
The saved, the unsaved, and the lukewarm.
The saved is the one that recognized that he was living in sin (disobedience towards God), got convinced, repented, converted, and became a new creation in Christ Jesus.
In other words…
He repented of his sins, ask God’s forgiveness, placed his life in God’s hands and invited His Son, Jesus, to be his Lord, Savior and coming King.
The unsaved… is the one that continues living in disobedience, nothing to do with God. He’s a self-made man (or woman). He doesn’t need God.
The lukewarm, is the one that Jesus said, you can’t serve two masters, you hate one or love the other. But he thinks that he can love both.
He has one foot in the kingdom; another foot is in the world. He wants the
blessings from both sides. He’s doing everything like the unsaved, but trying to get everything that the saved has.
This is a very dangers position, because Jesus said in Revelation 3:15,16...
This is a very dangers position, because Jesus said in Revelation 3:15,16...
“I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
My point here is this:
Check your status today. And if there’s anything that needs to be fixed… let the right person fix it. You!
My point here is this:
Check your status today. And if there’s anything that needs to be fixed… let the right person fix it. You!