Sunday, March 30, 2014

Opened Doors

If you were given the opportunity to share your opinion why doors exist, I believe you could find three or four good reasons, if not more, why we have doors. If I asked you, why there's doors on your car, I think that the first reason you would find immediately, would be… “so that I can get in”. And that answer would probably be the most common one if asked to a big group.

But the most important reason why we have doors is… protection. Whether it’s a house, a car or anything else, a door is there for the purpose of protecting, and protect in a few different ways.

The same way we have natural doors, we also have spiritual doors. For instance… our heart has a door called “will”. Through that door you can let things in, or you can stop things from going in. And I believe that there’s no need for details on this.

But I want to talk about another spiritual door, or doors, that exist in our lives, more precisely in our homes. These doors, similar to the door of our hearts, you don’t see them in the natural, but they are there in the spiritual realm. If doors are made with the purpose of protection, it means that we cannot neglect them as we do with natural doors. How many times do we leave the door of our house wide open? Wind blows dust in, blows the cold in, and if its summer time, the heat will come in and other things too, if the door is wide open. But even if you leave the door ajar, it will not protect you from these things. The wind will open it easily and bring in all the other stuff. Even an animal can step in very easy because the door wasn’t shut.

Here you can say… “okay, from now on I’ll keep the door shut. Great! Sounds like you’ve got the message. But imagine that you have the door shut, closed, and an intruder with bad intentions attempts to get in. Do you think he won’t? Yes he will. Why? Simply because the door was shut but not locked. And if you notice, doors in some houses have more than one lock, so that protection is reinforced.

The point here is to stimulate your sensitivity towards the need of keeping the spiritual doors of your home, always locked. Satan is always looking for an opened door, for a door that’s ajar or even shut. And when he finds one, he steps in and he will always do some damage. Many times… a lot of damage. When I hear Christians saying, “why did this happen to me”, I’m pretty sure that they left some door opened. Here, Satan stepped in and he messed things up.

Let me give you an example of what I’m trying to show you. Sometime ago, I saw a Christian posting the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen anybody post on Facebook, and here it was being posted by somebody that supposedly is a Christian. I just couldn’t believe it. I cannot even put it in words. Depravity was very intense. Immediately my first thought was… “a door has been opened”. Now listen to this… not after more than a couple of weeks, Satan steps in and attacks the whole family with a big problem. One of those very difficult ones that sometimes to get it fixed, you accidentally create other problems even bigger, because there’s no easy way out of it. But I believe that this person opened more than one door. I say this, because around the same time, another dormant problem that this family had, was awakened and bit them very hard. Almost like that saying… “what goes around comes around”.

When I heard the whole story… to me, it was a confirmation. Nobody should’ve posted such disgusting thing, never mind a Christian.

By this, you can see how dangerous it is to open certain doors in our lives, that soon or later will give Satan the opportunity to step in. And when he steps in, note this, he doesn’t cause any damage right away. He lets some time go by. Why he does this? Because he knows that if he does any damage as soon as you open that door, you will notice it. In other words, you will figure out that it all happened when you did something that you should’ve never had done. And by noticing it, you wouldn’t do it again. He doesn’t want that.

So from now on, be very careful with the spiritual doors you open in your life, in your home. You need to keep your life, your home, and obviously, your family protected.      

Here’s a few doors that you need to be careful with:

  • The people you bring in your life, and in your home 
  • The books you read or you have in your house. 
  • Magazines. 
  • Videos, movies. The things you watch on TV. Even certain type of programs.
  • Games.
  • Internet.
  • Social Media. Etc.

On all these things (and similar ones), you need to be very careful on how you utilize them. Remember that many of these can have, probably have, an evil spirit attached to it. So when you open that door, when you activate some of this stuff, they will come in and their intentions are not good.

Let me give you an example to simplify what I just said. Imagine that you’re reading a book with a story about a couple and one of them cheated on the other, then the other went to live with somebody else and a divorce process started. The story goes on and on and adds more stuff like the girl’s father trying to kill the guy, and so on. What type of spirit do you think is behind those words? You’re probably saying that’s just a written story. The thing is that words have power when spoken and also when they are written. In this story… do you think that the spirit of lust, infidelity, perversion, anger, and murder, are good spirits? Of course not! They are evil spirits and are attached to the words in that book. So whether you read it or you have it hanging around in your house, the spirit is there.

The same goes with the other things mentioned above. The movies you watch. The games you play. What you’re looking at, or doing, on the Internet. What you share or post on social media. The people you socialize with and you let in your house. Their words can affect you and your family. Especially if they have a negative way of talking, whether it’s about the government, the boss, health, neighbors… anything.

So, lock all doors that can let in anything that will cause damage. Evil spirits can come in through a movie, a video, a book, a game, a magazine, from the computer, from your TV, etc. When these things are in operation, whatever is being projected through them, will be inside your home. And if it’s not good…

This is one of the reasons when I buy anything, we always bless it, because we never know what kind of words were spoken over or around those things, or even wrong attitudes practiced over or around them. Whether it’s a book, a TV, a sofa, a table, a washing machine, a computer… anything. Note that I'm taking about things that enter in my sanctuary. 

Keep all doors locked!

Read good Christian books.
See good Christian movies. If not Christian, make it sure it doesn’t carry anything that will stay in your home and messes up your life.
Watch good and healthy programs.
Read good magazines. There’s many good Christian ones.
Socialize as a Christian, and with Christians that are like Christ.
On social media… post or share good things, Especially things that will bless others.
Do you want to play a game? Find one that as no bad stuff in it. Even if it’s funny.

In all this you need to ask God’s Holy Spirit for discernment. Many times I get very upset when I see Christians, that can’t differentiate what is inappropriate for them as believers. Some bad stuff, they just think it’s funny, entertaining, exciting, relaxing, educational, etc.

The dissimilarity between natural things and spiritual things, the apostle Paul was very clear about it in first Corinthians 2:14 when he said that… The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (ESV). Here… please note that Paul was talking to believers.
Before the angel of death passed by every house in Egypt, God instructed Moses to notify the Israelites to place the blood of the Passover lamb on the doorposts of every house and everyone would have to stay inside (Exodus 12:22). Once all inside, the door definitely would’ve been locked (in those days, probably with one or two big solid and thick wooden bars). After this… it was like a sanctuary. Everything was done holy around the sacrificed lamb. The lamb (symbol of Jesus) was inside the house. On the doorposts was his blood. That night, the angel of death passed by and many homes were attacked. The ones that had the lamb inside… no chicken, no pork, no turkey, no goat, no cow, but just the lamb, and his blood brushed on the doorposts and beam above the door… were safe!